SkyHawk 4 Cycle________ ENGINES, KITS AND PARTS
GruBee Skyhawk CVT and T Belt drive 4G transmission kits including service parts for motorizing standard bikes and also Multi Speed Shift for Gru-Bee Gt2A frames with built in Gas tanks.
New and improved Double Universal Joint Jackshaft $59.95
144FV Huasheng 49cc side tank Engine, 4G-1B Transmission and Rear Bracket kit. $495.00
5G -54T- Belt Drive Transmission & Engine bkt. For Predator 79cc engine Out of stock
5G- 8M Belt Drive Centrifugal Clutch for 5/8" shaft. $45.95
50T and 52T > 5-hole sprockets > 2 for the price of one $22.00
36T Sprocket for HD Axle Wheel 5 hole FREEWHEEL hub. $20.00
44T sprocket for HD Axle Wheel 5 hole FREEWHEEL Hub $20.00
48T Sprocket for HD Axle Wheel 5 hole FREEWHEEL hub $21.00
56T sprocket for HD Axle wheel 5 hole FREEWHEEL hub $25.00
4G - 100T Pulley and freewheel Hub $39.95
4G - 80T Pulley with freewheel hub $39.95
10T slide drive sprocket $12.00
9T slide drive sprocket $12.00
11 T Freewheel drive sprocket Out of stock
#1 Fancy poo poo pipe Out of stock
#2 Megaphone Fancy Poo Poo Pipe Out of stock
4G- 5M-510 T-Belt for 80T pulley $12.00
4G-T belt for 100T pulley $15.00
Beautiful set of Dragon decals for black gas tank. $2.00
Over Rear Wheel Gas Tank $32.95